Infrastructure Funding
In the last session, the DFL and GOP failed to pass a bonding bill. This is a critical source of funding for the many small communities in District 3A that cannot afford to go without quality roads, sewers, and bridges. As a state representative, Rich Tru’s top priority every year will be advocating for those bonding bills funding for infrastructure in District 3A.
Bipartisan Deal Broker
As an Independent, Rich Tru will be free to work with everyone and anyone who is working on something that will benefit the residents of District 3A. Potentially a pivotal swing vote in the state house, Rich Tru hopes to help bridge the divide between the two major parties by forcing bipartisanship. He will be the strongest advocate in the House for Ranked Choice Voting, to end Gerrymandering, and the institution of term limits for all elected officials.
Resource Mining
American-owned firms always have and should mine Minnesotan taconite. When our region was most prosperous, the range’s mines were producing huge amounts of steel. While we will probably never see that level of productivity again, there is much that could be done legislatively to unlock the potential of our taconite industry. For example, waste rock from the former Hill Annex Mine State Park will be excavated and shipped to North Dakota for processing. So, due to our laws, most of the high-paying jobs created by this endeavor will be lost to North Dakota. As State Representative in District 3a, Rich Tru will work hard not to waste this opportunity and instead excavate and process the waste rock in Northern Minnesota.
By bolstering local amenities and supporting our hospitality industry, Rich Tru has the experience and knowledge to help drive resources to the tourism sector. Sustaining and expanding our parklands and updating resorts/campgrounds should be encouraged and supported by our state legislature and local governments. Rich Tru, as state representative for District 3A, will foster and connect these opportunities to our district.
Rural Education
Education is the bedrock of society. Rich Tru had a profound educational experience at Two Harbors High School. He wants to ensure the next generation in District 3A has an even greater one. Currently, many school districts across the state are weighing heavy budget cuts and are struggling to maintain the level of education they used to boast, while also cutting arts, sports, and faculty. Rich Tru will advocate for an increase in per pupil funding, teacher living wages with health care, and optional vocational programs in senior year.

Meet Rich
Hey there, District 3A!
My name is Rich Tru, a millennial with aspirations for my community who has been encouraged by my neighbors to run for District 3A in the MN House of Representatives. My upbringing on the North Shore instilled in me a strong sense of duty towards my community, which is why I have been involved in initiatives such as founding my college's student government and organizing the MN Forward Party. I strongly believe that direct representation by individuals is crucial for the growth and health of our communities, and I want to put the government back in the hands of the people. I have a diverse work experience, from Artist & Entrepreneur to being a Project Manager, I've demonstrated my leadership qualities throughout my professional career. Those careers, my activism in the communities, and my personal experiences living in urban and rural areas have prepared me to be a worthy advocate for District 3A at the State Legislature. I look forward to earning your vote on November 5th. See you on the trail, Northland!
Rich Tru
What Is the Forward Party?
And why is Rich Tru running as a Forward-Independent?
Being a Forwardist is about making the world a better place and finding equitable solutions to our communities' problems. The Forward Party doesn't force a top-down platform like the major parties; instead, it lets its' candidates create their own platform in a bottom-up fashion based on what their community is calling for and needs. The solution to the division and anger in our political system is creating a 3rd Party that will represent People not Parties, end the tribal and corrupt duopoly. Let's bring civility back to our political system and help establish the Forward Party in Minnesota and our nation by voting for Rich Tru.

Rich Tru is Proud To Be Endorsed By These Organizations & Community Leaders